
Especially for Students Applying from Outside the United States:

Is the admission process different for international applicants?

No. We do not use a different process or apply different standards based on the nationality of our candidates. (Please note, though, our policies regarding non-U.S. citizens and Permanent Residents who apply for financial aid. Also, students whose first language is not English should see comments below regarding the TOEFL exam.)


All of the application requirements and deadlines are the same, regardless of students’ nationalities or in which country they are studying. However, we do take into account that many international applicants are studying in secondary school systems that may be quite different from the typical ?American‖ model. We are familiar with the full range of foreign curricula and examinations and we are aware that other aspects of international students’ high school experiences may not match perfectly those of students studying in the United States. We do not attempt to translate foreign credentials into American credentials in any systematic fashion; instead, we consider applicants’ academic promise in the context of their own learning system.



How does Brown evaluate non-US credentials?

We are familiar with the various academic credentials, exams, and educational systems around the world. In cases where we may be less knowledgeable, we do some research to better understand the system. Though the credentials may be quite different from those commonly used in the United States, we are still looking for the same evidence of academic ability and genuine interest in learning. Although we tend to admit those students who have achieved at what would be considered the highest levels in their own systems of education, we look well beyond the bare numerical results achieved in examinations and exam predictions.


My final grades are exam results that will not be available until the end of my secondary school studies—how does that affect my application to Brown?

When final examination results are not available until after our admission decisions are made (e.g., British A-Levels), we rely on the predicted results as provided by your school officials and on any other academic credentials that are already available. We trust that your actual examination results will reasonably match the predicted outcomes, and we do review those results with care. We must reserve the right to rescind an offer of admission in the event that actual results do not meet the predictions.


Must I take the SAT if I have taken or will take other examinations in my own country?

Yes. The SAT (or the ACT) is the single measure that is consistent for all candidates, regardless of from where they are applying. It is worth noting that these tests are unlike most international exams in that they are not designed to measure knowledge gained by the conclusion of a specific course of study. Instead, they are intended to indicate students’ accumulated general knowledge and thinking ability overall (e.g., SAT Reasoning) and in certain broad subject areas (e.g., SAT Subject Tests).


How would Brown view an SAT Subject Test in my native language? (e.g., French)

We place no specific requirements on your choice of Subject Tests, but you would be wise to take tests that will display your strengths in other areas. The SAT Subject Tests in languages are designed for students for whom a non-English subject is aforeignlanguage. For you to do well in the Subject Test in your native language would not provide us with helpful information.


Must I take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)?

You should take the TOEFL if English is not your native language, regardless of your citizenship. If your score on the SAT Reasoning test is 600 or above, it is not necessary to take the TOEFL.


Are interviews offered outside the US?

Yes. We have alumni volunteers all over the world. However, we cannotguaranteethat we will have an interviewer in your area. As with applicants from the United States, international students who are unable to have an interview are not at any disadvantage in the admission process.


Are there quotas for international students?

No. We value the presence of international students in the Brown community, but we do not set targets or limits on the number of international students we might admit in any given year.

Can advanced standing be awarded to students based on certain international exam results or higher level study as a secondary school student?

Brown does not grant course credit based on international examination scores or advanced coursework completed prior to enrollment. However, strong exam results (and certain other credentials) or advanced coursework may allow students to forego certain course prerequisites so as to progress more quickly to upper level Brown offerings.


Is financial aid available to international students?

Brown meets full demonstrated need of all admitted students who have applied for financial aid. Financial aid for foreign citizens, however, is limited. If you wish to be considered for financial aid at any time during your four years at Brown, you should apply at the time of admission. All financial aid at Brown is awarded solely on the basis of financial need, which is determined annually by our analysis of applications submitted by students and their families.


International citizens who are not permanent residents should submit theInternational Student Financial Aid Applicationand theInternational Student Certificate of Finances. Canadian students should complete theCSS/Financial Aid PROFILEapplication. United States citizens and permanent residents living abroad should complete theFree Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)and thePROFILE. All of these forms are available from the Office of Financial Aid. They must be returned to the Office of Financial Aid by February 1 of the year in which you wish to gain admission. Announcement of financial aid awards is made with admission decisions in April.

無綠卡的國際學(xué)生必須要提交國際學(xué)生助學(xué)金表和國際學(xué)生資金證明表。加拿大學(xué)生需要填寫CSS/Financial Aid Profile 申請表。 美國公民及海外的綠卡持有者需要填寫Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)以及背景情況。這些表格都可以從學(xué)校的獎助學(xué)金辦公室拿到而必須在二月一號前填好反還。最后給予獎助學(xué)金的決定將同錄取通知一起在四月發(fā)放。


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