

大學的校訓是Ora et Labora,源于拉丁文,意為“工作不忘禱告”,于1870年從戴爾豪斯伯爵的座右銘中引用來替代大學原來的校訓,因管理層認為原來的校訓沒能傳達出信心。舊校訓是Forsan,翻譯為“可能”,這一校訓于1869年首次出現(xiàn)在《戴爾豪斯公報》的第一期中。此校訓源于維吉爾的史詩《埃涅伊德》中的第一巻第203行:Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit,翻譯為“時間將證明這些困難都會變成甜蜜的回憶”。戴爾豪斯有不少校歌用于在不同的場合演奏和吟唱,比如畢業(yè)典禮、機會和體育比賽等。其中包括Carmina Dalhousiana,1882年創(chuàng)作于哈利法克斯。查爾斯·魏克爾(Charles B. Weikel)于1904年編纂了戴爾豪斯大學歌集。 “The university motto Ora et Labora translates from Latin as pray and work; it adopted in 1870 from the Earl of Dalhousie's motto to replace the university's original one, which the administration believed did not convey confidence. The original motto was Forsan, which tranlsates as Perhaps, and first appeared in the first Dalhousie Gazette of 1869. It was from Virgil's epic poem Aeneid, Book1, line 203, Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit, which translates as Perhaps the time may come when these difficulties will be sweet to remember.A number of songs are commonly played and sung at various events such as commencement, convocation, and athletic contests, including Carmina Dalhousiana, written in Halifax in 1882. The Dalhousie University songbook was compiled by Charles B. Weikel in 1904.”


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