

1 Harvard University (MA) 4.9
1 Massachusetts Inst. of Technology 4.9
1 Stanford University (CA) 4.9
4 Princeton University (NJ) 4.8
4 Yale University (CT) 4.8
6 California Institute of Technology 4.7
6 Johns Hopkins University (MD) 4.7
6 Cornell University (NY) 4.7
6 University of Chicago 4.7
6 University of California -Berkeley 4.7
11 Duke University (NC) 4.6
11 Columbia University (NY) 4.6
13 Brown University (RI) 4.5
13 Northwestern University (IL) 4.5
13 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 4.5
16 University of Pennsylvania 4.4
16 Dartmouth College (NH) 4.4
18 University of Virginia 4.3
18 Univ. of California-Los Angeles 4.3
18 Univ. of Wisconsin- Madison 4.3
21 Rice University (TX) 4.2
21 Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 4.2
21 U. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 4.2
24 Washington University in St. Louis 4.1

24 Vanderbilt University (TN) 4.1
24 U. of Illinois- Urbana- Champaign 4.1
27 Emory University (GA) 4.0
27 Georgia Institute of Technology 4.0
27 University of Texas-Austin 4.0
30 University of Notre Dame (IN) 3.9
30 Georgetown University (DC) 3.9
30 Pennsylvania State Univ. 3.9
30 University of Washington 3.9
34 College of William and Mary (VA) 3.8
34 Univ. of California-San Diego 3.8
34 University of California-Davis 3.8
34 Indiana University-Bloomington 3.8
34 Purdue Univ.-West Lafayette (IN) 3.8
34 Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities 3.8
40 Brandeis University (MA) 3.7
40 New York University 3.7
40 Ohio State University-Columbus 3.7
40 University of Iowa 3.7
40 Univ. of Maryland-College Park 3.7
45 Tufts University (MA) 3.6
45 Case Western Reserve Univ. (OH) 3.6
45 Univ. of Southern California 3.6
45 University of California-Irvine 3.6
45 University of Florida 61.0 3.6
45 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (NY) 3.6

45 Texas A&M Univ.-College Station 3.6
45 University of Arizona 3.6
45 University of Colorado-Boulder 3.6
54 University of Rochester (NY) 3.5
54 Boston College 3.5
54 Tulane University (LA) 3.5
54 Univ. of California-Santa Barbara 3.5
54 Michigan State University 3.5
59 Boston University 3.4
59 Rutgers-New Brunswick (NJ) 3.4
59 Syracuse University (NY) 3.4
59 University of Georgia 3.4
59 University of Kansas 3.4
59 University of Oregon 3.4
59 University of Pittsburgh 3.4
59 Virginia Tech 3.4
67 Wake Forest University (NC) 3.3
67 Lehigh University (PA) 3.3
67 Baylor University (TX) 3.3
67 Colorado School of Mines 3.3
67 George Washington University (DC) 3.3
67 Iowa State University 3.3
67 Miami University-Oxford (OH) 3.3
67 SUNY-Stony Brook 3.3
67 Univ. of Massachusetts-Amherst 3.3
67 Univ. of Missouri-Columbia 3.3
67 Arizona State University 3.3
78 Fordham University (NY) 3.2

78 North Carolina State U.-Raleigh 3.2
78 Southern Methodist University (TX) 3.2
78 Univ. of California-Riverside 3.2
78 Univ. of California-Santa Cruz 3.2
78 University of Connecticut 3.2
78 University of Delaware 3.2
78 Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln 3.2
78 Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville 3.2
78 University of Utah 3.2
88 Auburn University (AL) 3.1
88 Brigham Young Univ.-Provo (UT) 3.1
88 Ohio University 3.1
88 SUNY-Binghamton 3.1
88 SUNY-Buffalo 3.1
88 Washington State University 3.1
94 Yeshiva University (NY) 3.0
94 Clemson University (SC) 3.0
94 Colorado State University 3.0
94 Florida State University 3.0
94 Illinois Institute of Technology 3.0
94 Rutgers-Newark (NJ) 3.0
94 St. Louis University 3.0
94 SUNY-Albany 3.0
94 University of Kentucky 3.0
94 University of Miami (FL) 3.0
94 University of Vermont 3.0
94 Kansas State University 3.0
94 New School University (NY) 3.0
94 Oregon State University 3.0
94 University of Illinois-Chicago 3.0
94 University of Oklahoma 3.0
110 American University (DC) 2.9
110 Clark University (MA) 2.9
110 Marquette University (WI) 2.9
110 Pepperdine University (CA) 2.9
110 University of New Hampshire 2.9
110 Univ. of South Carolina-Columbia 2.9
110 Worcester Polytechnic Inst. (MA) 2.9
110 Drexel University (PA) 2.9
110 George Mason University (VA) 2.9
110 Northeastern University (MA) 2.9
110 St. John's University (NY) 2.9
110 Temple University (PA) 2.9
110 University of New Mexico 2.9
110 University of Rhode Island 2.9
110 Indiana U.-Purdue U.-Indianapolis 2.9
111 Catholic University of America (DC) 2.8
111 Loyola University Chicago 2.8
111 University of Missouri-Rolla 2.8
111 Howard University (DC) 2.8
111 Louisiana State U.-Baton Rouge 2.8
111 University of Alabama-Birmingham 2.8
111 University of San Francisco 2.8
111 Virginia Commonwealth University 2.8
111 Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2.8
134 Michigan Technological University 2.7
134 Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ) 2.7
134 Texas Christian University 2.7
134 University of Alabama 2.7
134 University of San Diego 2.7
134 DePaul University (IL) 2.7
134 Hofstra University (NY) 2.7
134 New Jersey Inst. of Technology 2.7
134 Seton Hall University (NJ) 2.7
134 Texas Tech University 2.7
134 University of Cincinnati 2.7
134 University of Hawaii-Manoa 2.7
134 U. of Maryland-Baltimore County 2.7
134 University of Texas-Dallas 2.7
134 Utah State University 2.7
134 Wayne State University (MI) 2.7
134 West Virginia University 2.7
134 Old Dominion University (VA) 2.7
134 San Diego State University 2.7
134 University of Houston 2.7
154 Clarkson University (NY) 2.6
154 Duquesne University (PA) 2.6
154 University of Denver 2.6
154 Bowling Green State University (OH) 2.6
154 Oklahoma State University 2.6
154 Polytechnic University (NY) 2.6
154 Univ. of Arkansas-Fayetteville 2.6
154 University of Idaho 2.6
154 University of Maine-Orono 2.6
154 University of Mississippi 2.6
154 Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City 2.6
154 University of the Pacific (CA) 2.6
154 University of Wyoming 2.6
154 Georgia State University 2.6
154 Kent State University (OH) 2.6
154 Southern Illinois U.-Carbondale 2.6
154 University of Colorado-Denver 2.6
154 University of Louisville (KY) 2.6
154 University of Montana 2.6
154 U. of North Carolina-Greensboro 2.6
174 Ball State University (IN) 2.5
174 MCP Hahnemann University (PA) 2.5
174 Mississippi State University 2.5
174 Montana State University 2.5
174 University of Nevada-Reno 2.5
174 University of North Dakota 2.5
174 University of South Florida 2.5
174 University of Tulsa (OK) 2.5
174 Western Michigan University 2.5
174 Illinois State University 2.5
174 Indiana State University 2.5
174 New Mexico State University 2.5
174 Northern Arizona University 2.5
174 Portland State University (OR) 2.5
174 Univ. of Missouri-St. Louis 2.5
174 University of Texas-Arlington 2.5
190 Pace University (NY) 2.4
190 Clark Atlanta University 2.4
190 Florida Institute of Technology 2.4
190 Idaho State University 2.4
190 Northern Illinois University 2.4
190 University of Alabama-Huntsville 2.4
190 University of Alaska-Fairbanks 2.4
190 Univ. of Massachusetts-Lowell 2.4
190 University of New Orleans 2.4
190 University of North Texas 2.4
190 University of South Dakota 2.4
190 Wichita State University (KS) 2.4
202 Florida International University 2.3
202 Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania 2.3
202 Adelphi University (NY) 2.3
202 Florida Atlantic University 2.3
202 Louisiana Tech University 2.3
202 North Dakota State University 2.3(是這家嗎?)
202 Texas A&M University-Commerce 2.3
202 Texas Woman's University 2.3
202 University of Central Florida 2.3
202 University of Memphis 2.3
202 University of Toledo (OH) 2.3
202 Wright State University (OH) 2.3
214 Univ. of Southern Mississippi 2.2
214 Cleveland State University 2.2
214 University of Akron (OH) 2.2
214 University of Northern Colorado 2.2
218 Union Institute (OH) 2.1
218 University of Detroit Mercy 2.1
220 Andrews University (MI) 2.0
220 Middle Tennessee State Univ. 2.0
220 Tennessee State University 2.0
220 Texas Southern University 2.0
224 University of La Verne (CA) 1.9
224 Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana 1.9
226 Biola University (CA) 1.8
226 United States International U. (CA) 1.8
228 Nova Southeastern University (FL) 1.7
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