精選答案照片尺寸: 50mm x 50mm
Below FYI
The photographs should be:
Of you, on your own
2" high x 2" wide (50mm square)
Two identical prints
Recent (taken within the last six months) showing current appearance
Taken against a white, cream or light grey plain background, so that features are clearly distinguishable against the background
In sharp focus & clear
Have a strong definition between the face and background
No shadows on face
Your full face, looking straight at the camera
A neutral expression
Eyes open & clearly visible (without sunglasses or heavily tinted glasses)
No reflection on your spectacles, the frames should not cover your eyes
No red eye
No hair across your eyes
Your full head, without any head covering, unless it is worn for religious beliefs
A close-up of your head & shoulders so that your face covers 50% of the photograph

The head (measured from the top of hair to the bottom of chin) should measure between 1" and 1 3/8" (25mm to 35mm)
The eye level between 1 1/8" to 1 3/8" (28mm to 35mm) from the bottom of the print.